In working with Studio 120 for the Twin Cities Film Fest this year, we have nothing but praise for their hard work and attention to detail in helping us produce the highest quality DCP files. The team at Studio 120 took our project and worked diligently to make sure that we were happy with the end result. The pricing for DCP conversion at Studio 120 is very competitive and we’ve even recommended some of our filmmakers to them for that reason. We hope to form a long term relationship with Studio 120 as we grow our organization.
Are you a filmmaker? You need DCP!
Studio 120 offers the latest technology, experience, and creativity to bring your film to the big screen. Our digital cinema packages provide you with all the image, audio and data streams into one universal standard that allows your film to be played at any theater.
Why DCP?
DCP, or digital cinema packages, are a collection of digital files that convert your film into a format compatible with the equipment housed in any commercial theater projector (known as a D-Cinema theater.) Digital copies are not only more durable than 35mm, but most theaters aren’t compatible with 35mm anymore- everything is digital!
Studio 120
If you’re looking for digital cinema packages that will bring your film to the next level, you need Studio 120. Our competitive pricing, top of the line engineers, and dedication to our clients ensures that you will not only be able to play your film in any theater, but on your timeline and on your budget.
DCP Pricing
- Any short film under 30 min, $500
- Any other DCP is regular package pricing, which is: $1500.
That includes: DCP conversion, QC in theater & USB with DCP file.
Standard Package Includes:
*Pricing for 2K DCP*
- Frame-rate adjustment
- Color-space adjustment
- Audio sample rate adjustment
- File transfer to drive
- Add Subtitles (if Provided)
**IMPORTANT NOTE** All Images MUST be provided with 100% accurate Color-Space, Gamma, and Code Value Range Information (head vs full). Failure to provide accurate data may result in additional charges and delay agreed upon project completion time(s).
Other Formats
QuickTime® , Apple ProRes 422 (4444, HQ, LT; Proxy)
Avid DNxHD®
Panasonic DVCPRO-HD and AVC-Intra
Additional Service Provided:
Audio level adjustments
Color correction
Track designation
Video Editing
Working for a video tape
Video noise removal
Video noise reduction
Film Grain removal
Film scratch removal
Film wow and flutter audio correction
Archiving data
Blu-ray backup data format
SD<->HD conversion
Quality assurance
Academy/ Oscar certified
The undersigned agrees that all information is correct and accurate and grants permission to Studio 120 to create digital elements for the purpose of theatrical and electronic distribution.
FOR VALUE RECEIVED, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, and for other good and valuable consideration, the undersigned hereby agrees forever to indemnify and hold harmless from and against any and all claims, suits, damage or damages and/or loss or losses and/or action or actions of any kind as the result of and arising out of the use and/or display of customer supplied audio files, video files, data files, video tapes and/or hard-drives or the products and services provided by Studio 120.
DCP Customer Information
The following information is required for Digital Cinema Initiative (DCI) naming convention standard.
Describe what you will be delivering us:
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Tape Format (e.g. HDCAM SR 1080p) Frame Rate: Specify the file format (e.g Tiff, DPX, QuickTime) If QuickTime Specify the format (e.g. ProRes 444HQ) Frame Rate Aspect Ratio Image Size (e.g.1920 x 1080) TRT Color-Space (e.g. REC 702 Full or Head Hard Matte Sub-titles 3D Audio Specs:
Audio Format (e.g. WAV, AIFF) Stereo or Mono Ch1: Ch2: Ch3: Ch4: Ch5: Ch6: Ch7: Ch8: Aspect Ratio (e.g. 1.85, 2.39) Letterbox MPA Rating Do you require a DCDM (additional cost)
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